I walked to work this morning behind a lady who was eating a chunk of baguette while headed towards the city. She dropped her bread in the middle of the street, cursed, then picked it up. It was just the final butt of the baguette, but she put it in her pocket. I watched her. She passed a trash can and didn’t chuck it in. Maybe she was saving it for a pet at home. Maybe she was going to eat it. I would’ve eaten it, it was only on the ground for a moment.

I followed her. I watched her cross the street. She had a long drapey black coat on with large pockets. She had thick glasses and terrible posture. She was listening to something through wired earbuds. Was it a podcast? Was she talking to someone on the phone, did she tell them about the bread? Did she even care about its fate or did she want to forget about it? She pushed her hand further into her pocket, leaving her hand in the pocket for the length of a block. Perhaps squeezing it. I bet it was soft.

We approached the library. By this point I was far off the path to my office. She didn’t stop to break bread with the seagulls surrounding the lawn. She exited the footpath and sat on a ledge.

She looked around. There was a high school group nearby but they were distracted.

She reached into her pocket.

She rustled around.

I stood behind the tree.

She took out the bread.

She took a bite.

I fucking knew it.

This is a sample post.

Below is just about everything you’ll need to style in the theme. Check the source code to see the many embedded elements within paragraphs.


# Heading 1

## Heading 2

### Heading 3

#### Heading 4

Body text

This is strong.

This is figure

Elaphurus davidianus

This is emphasized.

53 = 125. Water is H2O.

The New York Times (That’s a citation).


HTML and CSS are our tools.


Justification: This species is listed as Extinct in the Wild, as all populations are still under captive management. The captive population in China has increased in recent years, and the possibility remains that free-ranging populations can be established some time in the near future. When that happens, its Red List status will need to be reassessed.

I follow up the quest. Despite of day and night and death and hell.

-- Idylls of the King, Tennyson

List Types

Ordered Lists

  1. Item one
    1. sub item one
    2. sub item two
    3. sub item three
  2. Item two

Unordered Lists

  • Item one
  • Item two
  • Item three


Header1 Header2 Header3
cell1 cell2 cell3
cell4 cell5 cell6
cell7 cell8 cell9
Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family

Code Snippets

Syntax highlighting via Pygments

#container {
  float: left;
  margin: 0 -240px 0 0;
  width: 100%;

highlight with line number.

def foo
  puts 'foo'

highlight using triple backticks

for(i in a)


you can use latex with double $$


<q> tag

here is a <q> q tag </q>

here is a q tag